#Water #management for #steel industry; 28.6 CuM of #water is required #perMT #steel produced in a plant. Plant also discharges about 25.3 CuM for recovery as 3.3 CuM water is either #evaporated or #cycled. 28300 #litres of #water is required perMT of steel produced without water sources we can not establish steel plants. Also important to note whether it is #oxygenroute or #electricroute water requirement is similar and about only 4% lesser in #electricroute steel making. Steel #producers are raising #capacities and we are dependent on water #harvesting and #recycle, #rains, and #water sources. #India must have its steel manufacturing to be more oriented and well placed with full climate retention for the future. This is a picture of India's rainfall and water retention and accumulation for the industry to maintain for always. Also in steel making we #cannot use #salt waters and too much of recycled water without its #precipitation. JSW Steel JSW Tata Steel ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Steel Authority of India Limited Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Vizag Steel Plant Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. Jindal Stainless Vedanta Resources Limited Narendra Modi #MOEFF #ministryofsteel World Steel Association (worldsteel) Indian Steel Association
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